Pushing young athletes to their limits

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About Dynamic Athletics 


Dedicated coaches, determined athletes

Functional movement patterns resulting in improved speed, strength and agility

Highly competitive, up-tempo environment

Low athlete-trainer ratio:

Each of our classes has 3-5 trainers with a maximum of 30 athletes


Our team offers 20+ years of experience training, coaching and mentoring young athletes.  The trainers are tactical in getting to know the students to better understand what makes them excel in the training room and also identify weaknesses that need to be developed to help make the athletes better in their sport



Workouts vary each day to include linear speed and acceleration, lateral acceleration, change of direction, reaction, efficient movement patterns, jump training/plyometrics, deceleration, mobility, and flexibility.

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Train with us


We are DA

Our facility is located in a unique 34,000 sq. ft building that also houses baseball and softball training. The students are motivated by the up-tempo environment and also constantly influenced by their peers to push themselves and compete with others around them.

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